Everybody in this World categorise their ideas into two, viz. something they believe or agree to and something they don’t. In similar way people choose their friends. Everyone befriend only those people whom they like and have some common ideas to share. Exceptionally, it happens such that you are in a close knitted strongly bound group and they are not just friends but like your family members.. then even though you do not agree with someone’s thinking, you’ll end up having a great relationship with that person. Same is the case of me and Krishna. I guess no other person in SAS-9 might have fought with Krishna so vigorously as I did. He used to tell me his sister and I definitely treated him as my brother. I have slammed (criticised) him every single time when I disagreed to what he said. Well, Krishna being eldest amongst us, was definitely more experienced and wise than us and during the course he has not missed a single opportunity to correct us whenever he felt us...