Not having TV at home has its own pros and cons. I never get to see news. And when I plan to watch something on youtube, I choose to watch Comedy Nights with Kapil or inspiring TED Talks. I have liked the FB page of TOI so I get notifications of important news reports which I read sometimes if the headline interests me. And reading news papers nowadays don't fit my schedule. Moreover I'am kind a bored by reading same newspaper in Gujarati since 8 years as the writers are same and mostly their writings show repetition. A month back on a free afternoon, I was trying to search something interesting to watch on youtube and I came across one video of news hour debate on India's_Godman_culture conducted by Arnab Goswami. That was the first time I saw Arnab Goswami though I had watched TVF spoof of Arnab Goswami done by Arnub Kumar. I watched that whole debate and those 45 minutes my eyes were completely glued on my laptop screen. I had just started admiring this super aw...