I have survived one such unexpected storm in my life so I can connect closely with the enormous amount to pain people go through when splits happen. Yes time heals but memories can never be erased. Life moves on but many a times people don't. Too much pain and heartache is attached to breakups right??? I just want to share few punch lines showing you the brighter side.
Title: Reasons why a breakup can be best thing happened to you.
Remember pain is an opportunity: If everything is smooth in your life u'll never bother to look beyond the tangible things. World is much more than what you comprehend, pain allows you to explore the unseen and unimaginable.
you get emotionally stable: next time someone will come and go.. you won't be shattered the way it happens the first time. you get the idea that you own no one and no one owns you.
you are on the way of achieving Emotional Independence (The whole story that we are created in pairs is nonsense): People wait to find someone who completes them.. For them.. Newsflash_ _ _ You are born whole and there is no one who can complete you. Everything your existence need is within you. Feeling of incompleteness makes you emotionally dependent.. You can be dependent on others in any sort but emotional dependence is a BIG BIG NO.
You are now a Pain Sink: Heartbreak is worst pain one could ever experience, Any damage to your body, you can recover but wounds on soul surfaces take eons to heal. breakups come with being on the verge of breaking down in tears, feeling that unbearable chill passing through the spine and many more exposures to pain. All this increases your capacity of bearing pain and that is the first step for being fearless.
That's it for today.
Happy V Day to all brave breakup survivors. This Valentine's I am going to be with my
extremely cute and adorable family. Who's gonna be your Valentine?
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